About Me

Hey! I'm a NYC based software developer with experience in Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and React/Redux. My love for coding began in junior year in college where I enrolled into "Introduction to Problem Solving with Computers" using Java. Everything about programming was appealing, from nonstop puzzles, to unexpected bugs and debugging. I continued to code after college and have continued to develop my skill set and expand my knowledge. Feel free to reach out with opportunities, to discuss any of my work. I am seeking an opportunity to continue developing my skill set and knowledge and work with a company interested in solving problems or developing a product I can believe in.




keepScrolling is a fullstack web application inspired by Tumblr. It utilizes Ruby on Rails on the backend, a PostgreSQL database, and React.js with a Redux architectural framework on the frontend.


mtaETA is an MTA Subway scheduling desktop application, that allows users to see incoming subway arrival times within a 1 mile radius of their current location.


appAttack is a classic 2D sidescrolling skill shot style game. The appAcademy bayou is under attack, and you must defend it from the vile creatures who seek to destroy it.


DOMination is a JavaScript DOM interaction library, inspired by jQuery. Allows users to traverse and manipulate DOM elements, create DOMNodeCollection objects from HTMLElements, queue functions until DOM is fully loaded, as well as simplify HTTP requests